
Froilán Pompilio Urzagasti Montero (1995, La Paz, Bolivia) is a person who, among other things, makes films. His work explores some possible intersections between fiction and non-fiction, memory as a way of understanding the present, the places from which otherness is observed, the dualities countryside/city, tradition/technology, dreams/memories/reality. A cinema that is produced through the experience of the flesh.

Long-term studies

  • 2013-16, Regular Course, Escuela de Cine y Artes Audiovisuales (Film and Audiovisual Arts School) - La Paz, Bolivia
  • 2018-24, Films studies, specialisation in Film Direction, Deutsche Film- und Fernsehakademie Berlin (German Film and TV Academy Berlin) - Berlín, Germany

Short-term studies: Workshops, residencies and laboratories

  • 2013, Advanced Scriptwriting Workshop, Festival Internacional de Video (International Video Festival) - Santa Cruz, Bolivia
  • 2014, Documentary Film Workshop "Sin Fronteras", Escuela de Cine y Artes Audiovisuales (BOL) & Universidad Federal Fluminense (BRA) - Oruro & La Paz, Bolivia
  • 2014, Santa Cruz 100x100 Project, Festival Internacional de Video (International Video Festival) - Santa Cruz, Bolivia
  • 2017, Filmic apropiation Workshop, Festival de Cine Radical (Radical Film Festival) - La Paz, Bolivia
  • 2018, Transfrontera Residency, Festival de cine transfrontera (Transfrontera Film Festival) - Tacna, Perú
  • 2020, Laboratory for the Appropriation of the Bolivian Audiovisual Film Archive, Festival de Cine Radical (Radical Film Festival) - La Paz, Bolivia
  • 2021, RECONNAISSANCE, Workshop for the creation of an anticolonial dataset, (MIGR-AI-TION) Prototype Fundation - Postdam, Germany
  • 2021Simposium: Arter the Archive, Arsenal Institut für Videokünst (Arsenal, Institut for Videoart) - Berlin, Germany
  • 2021Simposium: Found Futures, Arsenal Institut für Videokünst (Arsenal, Institut for Videoart) - Berlin, Germany
  • 2022, AUTOPOIESIS, Workshop for the creation of an anticolonial dataset, (MIGR-AI-TION) Floating University - Berlin, Alemania

Filmography: short films

    Fictive Realities

  • 2020, Sueñan las memorias (Memories dream) - 7 min
  • 2020, Viajes de Ida y Vuelta (Roundtrips) - 12 min
  • 2021, cheisin treins - 7 min
  • Audiovisual Apropiation, Essay

  • 2018, mirar/mirarse (to look/to look at) - 10 min
  • 2018, Die stadt scheint klein durch die Bäume Hindurch (The city looks small though the trees) - 3 min
  • 2020, 13.04.12 - 11 min
  • Bolivia Salvaje Award - Festival de Cine Radical 2020 (La Paz, Bolivia)
  • Fictionalized Memories

  • 2017, Collita - 17 min
  • Best Short Film - Premio Plurinacional Eduardo Abaroa 2017 (La Paz, Bolivia)
  • Best Editing - IX Festival de cine latinoamericano de Rosario (Rosario, Argentina)
  • 2019, Aus der Ferne (From afar) - 10 min
  • 2020, Humid Warm Days - 13 min
  • 2021, Encounters - 25 min

Research and regeneration projects

Given Workshops / Moderated Talks

  • 2021, Remembering is inventing the future - Bayreuth University (Bayreuth, Germany)
  • 2022, Editing Workshop with Da Vinci Resolve - INTERFLUGS, Berlin University of the Arts (Berlin, Germany)
